F1B Bernedoodles

Estimated “go home date” is July 23rd, 2023

A Bernedoodle is a hybrid cross between a Poodle and a Bernese Mountain Dog. Bernedoodles are a great mix between the fun-loving, child-friendly, personality of the stunning Berner, combined with the shaggy, low-shedding, low-dander hypo-allergenic coat of the spunky Poodle. Bernedoodles are designer dogs known to be affectionate, social, clever, goofy, well-natured and loyal.

Sophie’s LitteR:

6 Week Photos


Alder is very smart. He has a strong social attraction. His tail wags when he eats, and he is motivated by food! His coat is curly and he will be a non-shedder with hypoallergenic qualities.


Aspen is so sweet. He is gentle and steers away from the ruckus. He loves to cuddle and is attentive to what is going on around him. Aspen would be a great family pet.


Snowbell is precious. She has beautiful merle markings. Her coat will be non-shedding, and perfect for a family who needs a hypoallergenic dog. Snowbell is playful and loves to be snuggled.


Douglas is the biggest of the bunch. He is a mix of being playful and a self-settler. He is comfortable playing by himself, but also enjoys a tumble with his littermates. He prefers sleeping in a pack of puppies.


Magnolia is the smallest of the litter. She is very sweet and quiet. She is calm and patiently waits for the busyness to settle before engaging with others. Magnolia is often by herself, enjoying alone time.


Olive has blended markings of both parents. She is gentle and sweet. Olive enjoys cuddles, but is also playful. She is an observer and comes readily for attention. She enjoys touch. Olive is calm and settles well on her own.


Juniper has the traditional Bernedoodle markings and is very smart. She pays attention to her surroundings and is very curious. She has a strong social attraction, is not dominant, and is slightly independent.


Ash is an all around perfect puppy. His coat is stunning and he has gentle blue eyes that melt your heart. He is both sweet and playful, and adapts well to new environments.


Hazel is just adorable! Her coat has the traditional Bernese coloring in a camouflage pattern. She will be a wonderful family pet. Hazel is playful, friendly, and enjoys snuggling. She will have a curly coat, great for hypoallergenic needs.


Willow is curious with a strong social attraction. She comes readily to receive love and attention. She enjoys cuddles and gives tons of kisses!


Linden is a fun puppy who loves to play. He is sweet and he is very comfortable with his littermates. He is easy to care for and does not mind a good bath.


  • Alder


  • Ash


  • Aspen


  • Douglas


  • Linden


  • Hazel


  • Juniper


  • Magnolia


  • Olive


  • Snowbell


  • Willow
